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Near optimal pentamodes as a tool for guiding stress while minimizing compliance in $3d$-printed materials: a complete solution to the weak $G$-closure problem for $3d$-printed materials

机译:接近最佳的五角形作为引导压力同时最小化的工具   $ 3d $印刷材料的合规性:弱者的完整解决方案   $ 3d $印刷材料$ G $ -closure问题



For a composite containing one isotropic elastic material, with positive Lamemoduli, and void, with the elastic material occupying a prescribed volumefraction $f$, and with the composite being subject to an average stress, ${{{\sigma}}}^0$, Gibiansky, Cherkaev, and Allaire provided a sharp lower bound$W_f({{ {\sigma}}}^0)$ on the minimum compliance energy $\sigma^0:\epsilon^0$,in which ${ {\epsilon}}^0$ is the average strain. Here we show these boundsalso provide sharp bounds on the possible $({{ {\sigma}}}^0,{{{\epsilon}}}^0)$-pairs that can coexist in such composites, and thus solve theweak $G$-closure problem for $3d$-printed materials. The materials we use toachieve the extremal $(\sigma^0,\epsilon^0)$-pairs are denoted as near optimalpentamodes. We also consider two-phase composites containing this isotropicelasticity material and a rigid phase with the elastic material occupying aprescribed volume fraction $f$, and with the composite being subject to anaverage strain, $\epsilon^0$. For such composites, Allaire and Kohn provided asharp lower bound $\widetilde{W}_f({{ {\epsilon}}}^0)$ on the minimum elasticenergy $\sigma^0:\epsilon^0$. We show that these bounds also provide sharpbounds on the possible $({{ {\sigma}}}^0,{{ {\epsilon}}}^0)$-pairs that cancoexist in such composites of the elastic and rigid phases, and thus solve theweak $G$-closure problem in this case too. The materials we use to achievethese extremal $({{ {\sigma}}}^0,{{ {\epsilon}}}^0)$-pairs are denoted as nearoptimal unimodes.
机译:对于包含一种各向同性弹性材料的复合材料,该复合材料具有正Lamemoduli和空隙,其中弹性材料占据指定的体积分数$ f $,并且该复合材料承受平均应力,$ {{{\ sigma}}} ^ 0 $,Gibiansky,Cherkaev和Allaire为最小依从能量$ \ sigma ^ 0:\ epsilon ^ 0 $提供了一个尖锐的下限$ W_f({{{\ sigma}} ^^ 0)$,其中$ {{ \ epsilon}} ^ 0 $是平均应变。在这里,我们显示这些边界还为可能在此类复合物中共存的$({{{\ sigma}}} ^ 0,{{{\ epsilon}}} ^ 0)$对提供了尖锐的边界,从而解决了弱的$ $ 3d $打印材料的G $封闭问题。我们用于实现极值$(\ sigma ^ 0,\ epsilon ^ 0)$对的材料被表示为接近最佳五光子。我们还考虑了包含这种各向同性弹性材料和刚性相的两相复合材料,其中弹性材料占据了规定的体积分数$ f $,并且复合材料受到平均应变$ \ε^ 0 $。对于此类复合材料,Allaire和Kohn在最小弹性能$ \ sigma ^ 0:\ epsilon ^ 0 $上提供了asharp下界$ \ widetilde {W} _f({{{\ epsilon}} ^ 0)$。我们证明了这些边界还为可能存在于弹性和刚性相复合中的可能的$({{{\ sigma}}} ^ 0,{{{\ epsilon}} ^^ 0)$对提供了尖锐边界,因此也解决了这种情况下的弱$ G $闭包问题。我们用于实现这些极值$({{{{sigma}}} ^ 0,{{{\ epsilon}} ^ 0)$对的材料称为接近最佳单模。



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